Occupational safety and health protection (OSH)

Provision of professional training in OSH by authorized technicians.

FP: Fire protection

Fire protection engineer, training, inspections and OPP documentation

OHS: Occupational health service

We are authorized to perform PZS for employees performing work classified in the first or second category.

Environmental protection

Waste management, hazardous waste management and expert advice.

Construction Site OSH Coordinator

Provision of an occupational safety plan for a construction site, professional supervision on the construction site and comprehensive services of an authorized safety engineer.

Preparation for the SCC certificate

Reliable and professional preparation of companies and employees for international occupational safety and health certification


Schválená forma vzdelávania zamestnancov. Využite moderný spôsob vzdelávania vo vašej firme


Školenia a kurzy zamerané na bezpečnosť a ochranu zdravia pri práci pri výkone rôznych profesií