Electrical engineers

During the course, participants will acquire the theoretical knowledge necessary to perform the activities of electrical technicians - § 21, independent electrical technicians - § 22, and electrical technicians to manage activities or manage operations - § 23 . electrical equipment according to the voltage and object class for an electrical engineer, an independent electrical engineer and an electrical engineer for managing activities or for managing operations in accordance with § 16 par. 1 letter a) of Act no. 124/2006 Coll. on safety and health protection at work.

Conditions for participation in the education and training of electrical engineers
§ 21 of Act no. 508/2009 Coll.

  • completed high school or university electrical engineering education or other high school or university education, which includes teaching focused on the relevant technical electrical equipment
  • medical fitness – a medical report on health fitness for work must not be older than 6 months ( SZČO / employee )

Course scope

Basic course - § 21

  • Electrical equipment up to 1000 V, object class A - without explosion hazard - 18 hours
  • Electrical equipment above 1000 V, object class A - without explosion hazard - 19 hours

Repeated familiarization and updating training

  • Repeated familiarization - 3 hours
  • Refresher training – 8 hours

During repeated familiarization and updating professional training, course participants will become familiar with changes in legislation and other legislation to ensure safety and health protection at work and with current knowledge related to safety and health protection in the performance of an electrical engineer, an independent electrical engineer or an electrical engineer for managing activities or operations .

  • Repeated notification every 24 months in accordance with § 7 par. 5 of Act no. 124/2006 Coll.
  • Update professional training every 5 years in accordance with § 16 par. 8 of Act No. 124/2006 Coll.

Course price

Basic course
from €90/person
Repeated notification
Update training

**all listed prices are without VAT**

Conditions for participation in education and training of independent electrical technicians
§ 22 of Act no. 508/2009 Coll.

  • electrical engineering professional qualification - § 21
  • confirmed professional experience in electrical engineering - § 21 in duration:
    •  1 year if it concerns reserved technical electrical equipment up to 1000 V
    •  2 years if it concerns reserved technical electrical equipment above 1000 V
  • medical fitness – a medical report on health fitness for work must not be older than 6 months ( SZČO / employee )

Course scope

Basic course - § 22

  • Electrical equipment up to 1000 V, object class A - without explosion hazard - 21 hours
  • Electrical equipment above 1000 V, object class A - without explosion hazard - 23 hours

Repeated familiarization and updating training

  • Repeated familiarization - 3 hours
  • Refresher training – 8 hours

During repeated familiarization and updating professional training, course participants will become familiar with changes in legislation and other legislation to ensure safety and health protection at work and with current knowledge related to safety and health protection in the performance of an electrical engineer, an independent electrical engineer or an electrical engineer for managing activities or operations .

  • Repeated notification every 24 months in accordance with § 7 par. 5 of Act no. 124/2006 Coll.
  • Update professional training every 5 years in accordance with § 16 par. 8 of Act No. 124/2006 Coll.

Course price

Basic course
from €90/person
Repeated notification
Update training

**all listed prices are without VAT**

Conditions for participation in the education and training of electrical technicians for the management of activities or for the management of operations
§ 23 of Act no. 508/2009 Coll.

  • electrical engineering professional qualification - § 21
  • medical fitness – a medical report on health fitness for work must not be older than 6 months ( SZČO / employee )
  • confirmed professional experience in electrical engineering - § 21 in duration:

up to 1000 Vabove 1000 V
Learned4 years5 years
Completed electrotechnical education3 years4 years
University electrical engineering education2 years3 years

Course scope

Basic course - § 23

  • Electrical equipment up to 1000 V, object class A - without explosion hazard - 24 hours
  • Electrical equipment above 1000 V, object class A - without explosion hazard - 27 hours

Repeated familiarization and updating training

  • Repeated familiarization - 3 hours
  • Refresher training – 8 hours

During repeated familiarization and updating professional training, course participants will become familiar with changes in legislation and other legislation to ensure safety and health protection at work and with current knowledge related to safety and health protection in the performance of an electrical engineer, an independent electrical engineer or an electrical engineer for managing activities or operations .

  • Repeated notification every 24 months in accordance with § 7 par. 5 of Act no. 124/2006 Coll.
  • Update professional training every 5 years in accordance with § 16 par. 8 of Act No. 124/2006 Coll.

Course price

Basic course
from €90/person
Repeated notification
Update training

**all listed prices are without VAT**

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